Cookery and Nutrition

Nutrition At The Farm

Nutrition: Intuitive Eating

I practice and promote Intuitive Eating, Non-Diet Nutrition and a weight inclusive health practice. Intuitive Eating is a process to help shift the way you think and feel about food and your body and tune into the signals your body is sending. Our society tends to moralise food, weight and exercise which can lead to a range of complicated (mainly negative) attitudes towards the food we eat and how we feel about our bodies. Intuitive Eating helps break down arbitrary food rules and restrictions and external influences over what you can and can’t eat so you can focus on internal cues. It helps you relearn a lot of what you have been taught about nutrition and health from diet culture and the ‘wellness’ industry, and allows you to develop a healthy relationship with food and your body.

Every year I lead a 4 week course called Intuitive Eating for Beginners. The next course date is TBC. It will include live weekly Zoom sessions; group workshops at the farm; home-learning readings and exercises; additional multi-media learning resources; and a private social media group for all course members to stay in touch.

find out more

Intuitive Eating for Beginners

At The Farm

Other Services

Nutrition talks

Cookery demonstrations

Private cooking lessons

Nutritional consultations

Bespoke packages combining nutrition as well as personal training and fitness classes can be created to suit your requirements.

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